Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Nuts Can Reduce The Cholestrol : Cholesterol Diet, Nuts

A lot of people still see Nuts as salty, fatty, and high calorie.But Eating nuts may help lower cholesterol levels, US research suggests.According to Dr. Joan Sabate of Loma Linda University: “nuts do lower cholesterol, so it’s pretty much universal.” Nuts are a whole food that have been consumed by humans throughout history,
So if you are looking for a healthy snack to keep your hunger at bay, a handful of any type of nut will do.

1 comment:

  1. While there is previous evidence regarding the health benefits of eating nuts, one should be careful when looking at a surrogate endpoint (ie cholesterol level) in place of actually looking at the effect on the disease, in this case heart disease, itself. There is a quite interesting series of posts at the Health Journal Club by an MIT scientist who looking at the issue as an outsider comes to the conclusion that we need to be more worried about LOW cholesterol than high. If interested you can read on it here. http://healthjournalclub.blogspot.com/2010/04/statins-pregnancy-sepsis-cancer-heart.html
